
when applicable

Venue Name

Westenergie Sporthalle

An den Sportstätten 6, 45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr

Tournament Director

Thomas Lohwieser


Technical Director








YONEX German Junior 2025 is part of the World Junior Ranking 2025 and the Badminton Europe Junior
Circuit 2025.

The tournament will be played in accordance with the Laws of Badminton and the BWF General Competition
Regulations as well as with the Badminton Europe Junior Circuit Regulations.


8 YONEX Court mats


YONEX Aerosensa 50

Team Managers Meeting

to be announced


to be announced


Men’s Singles

Women’s Singles

Men’s Doubles

Women’s Doubles

Mixed Doubles






Online Entry

All entries must be made by using the BWF Online Entry System.

Players cannot be entered unless they already have a BWF ID-number. In case you wish to enter players who do not have a BWF ID-number, please contact the BWF office well in advance of the tournament, so that the players concerned can get a BWF ID-number before the closing date of the tournament.

Entries must be submitted no later than Tuesday xxxx February 2025 at 23.59 hours BWF Headquarter time (GMT + 08.00 hours). You are required to submit the entries on time and no late entries will be accepted.

After the closing date, the BWF Online Entry System will send a notification confirming reception of final entries to all participating Member Associations. Receipt of this notification is the conclusive evidence of reception of entries before the deadline.

The online entry page will close immediately at the time stated above.

Member Associations are advised to log: YONEX German Junior 2025: XXXXXX

For selecting the players/pairs the BWF Junior Rankings from XXXXXX will be used.

Closing Date


Acceptance List

For selecting the players/pairs the BWF Junior Rankings from XXXXXX  will be used.


For selecting the players/pairs the BWF Junior Rankings from XXXXXX  will be used.

Seeding / Draw

The seeding and the draw will been done according to the BWF Junior Rankings from xxxxxx.


Colour, design, lettering and advertising on clothing shall be regulated by BWF Statutes, Section 5.2.3: Junior Tournament Regulations § 12 to 16. Name on the back of the shirt is mandatory as per BWF Statutes, Section 5.3.7. A player violating these regulations shall be penalised by an administrative fine of 50,00 EUR.

It is mandatory for the semi-finals and finals that partners in doubles wear the same colour of the T-shirt and shorts/skirts. Failing to do so shall result in an administrative fine of 50,00 EUR.

Prize Giving

The winners, runners-up and semi-finalists will receive special trophies. In addition. Winners and runner-up in the finals will receive the following prize money. Prize money in doubles is per pair.

Total prize money: 1.950€

Men’s Singles200 €100€
Women’s Singles200 €100 €
Men’s Doubles300 €150 €
Women’s Doubles300 €150 €
Mixed Doubles300 €150 €

After each final there will be the price giving ceremony. The prize money will be given in cash during prize giving ceremony.